Monday, June 20, 2022

Swing and A Miss

A Story About my Dad and Tigers Baseball

Happy Father's Day! Miss you, Stinky.
a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition.
That yearning for me is about Ernie Harwell calling Tigers baseball on the radio circa 1974. Or rather, watching my dad listening to Ernie Harwell call a Tigers baseball game.
Watching my dad listen to a game was as entertaining as the game itself. The way his face lit up, with smile widened and eyebrows lifted at the crack of a bat. Or the disheartened frown and eye roll he’d express following a “swing and a miss”. The way he would clap his hands and then rub them together vigorously at a two-run homer. Or how he would grimace and swear with his signature – under the breath – “a**hole, son of a b*@!h” as an error was made.
I was raised in a Tigers household. I became a fan by osmosis. If it was summer and my dad wasn’t at work (which he too often was), he was listening to Tigers baseball on the radio. He was listening while driving in his car, while lounging in his Lazy Boy in the living room or sitting in the garage looking out at the summer sky. If the game was on, my dad was tuned in. I didn’t really know much about baseball then. I’d listen as Harwell announced a change up, or a slider or a breaking ball. I had no idea what those plays were or what they looked like, but I knew that my dad knew what that meant and that was enough for me.
I also liked the energy a game brought to the house. It wasn’t lively. It was quiet and contemplative. At dusk and on especially hot days, the roar of the crowd lulled my dad to sleep.
After my mom passed, when I became primary caregiver to my dad, I started to pay more attention to the game. Knowing the players was a way to connect. I could say things like, “How do you like Torres or Infante?” or “Did you catch Verlander’s no-hitter?” He’d ask me, “Who’s your favorite Tiger?” I’d say Inge (yes, Inge… for a time) and my dad would cringe adding, “That idiot?” Two weeks later he’d ask me the same question. I’d say “Inge” and he’d cringe and call him an idiot all over again. I wasn’t becoming a rabid fan, but I was really growing to love the game. Plus, it was a chance to show my dad that I cared about the things he cared about. It was a chance to bond.
My dad passed away as the Tigers were on their way to another Division Title. I couldn’t watch the post season. It was too painful. Not because the Tigers blew it (which they did!) I just missed my pops too much.
Some time later, I was running errands when I happened across Tigers baseball on the radio. I didn’t change the channel. It helped that the Tigers were winning. Dan Dickerson didn’t put me in the “way back machine” the way hearing Ernie Harwell did, but he helped to evoke enough good memories for me, that even though I had reached my destination, I sat in the parking lot and listened.
It was easy to imagine my dad saying something like “You know, when Scherzer was 8, he practiced 16 hours a day in an abandoned field in St. Louis with his Uncle Max… who he is named after… who really isn’t his Uncle... but his dad’s best friend… who coached Scherzer’s little league team...” This, of course is entirely made up on my part, but entirely like the kind of factual random information my dad would know about a player.
Sometime before my dad died, my brother gifted my dad a book, “The Final Season” about the last season the Tigers played in Tiger Stadium. Having lost his vision, I read to him from the book. He’d interrupt to share a similar story about a player. I always wondered where and when in his life he gathered all this information. He always knew enough to carry on a lively discussion with my brother over the phone or with his visiting buddy, Dean. It was always such a joy to see him talk baseball.
What I realized sitting in that parking lot is that I will always have a profound love for the game, especially the Tigers. Because, in the end, baseball isn’t really about baseball for me at all – it’s about my dad.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

The Lady with Binoculars


Photos can be deceiving. This is Fryman Canyon. I rarely hike Fryman. It's not an overly birdy area and it's mostly LA's fittest and finest (or those working hard to be fit and fine.) It's a difficult hike. Not strenuous, but straight up for the first mile or so. Not sure what the grade is. I tend to go off the beaten path getting away from the crowds. I think that's a bit more intense. Still, you do see people on this trail as well. 

Today, I started the hike at 11:45am. I am hiking later because I'm working hard to take off the COVID 7 (not bad as COVID added poundage goes, but still a challenge.) If I go early there will simply be more bird activity and I know myself. I won't walk as fast or get the aerobic benefit of pushing myself because I'll be too distracted. By 11:45 the bird activity would be diminished for sure. Still, I had tossed my binoculars in the car, just in case. I would be so disappointed if I heard some Vireo or Warbler and didn't get a look. Birding FOMO is very real. 

When I jumped out of the car, nary a bird to be heard. Oh maybe the occasional House Finch or hummer, but definitely quiet. I contemplated bringing the binoculars. What would be the point? I could really focus on the desperately needed exercise. I AM SO OUT OF SHAPE RIGHT NOW. Then it dawned on me... you know, when you are surrounded by LA's fittest and finest, it is slightly embarrassing to be LA's slowest and out-of-shapest? If you bring your bins, Thome, you can stop whenever you want to "look at birds." They'll never know. Genius. So I grabbed the bins. Halfway up the first section - that's the toughest part - I was able to stop a few times to "look at birds" as the health conscious and scantily clad throngs sailed past me. 

After stepping off the beaten path to the less traversed trail, I thought I'd be golden. Half-way up I stopped to catch my breath for the third time. I was doing the bend-over-God-help-me-what-have-I done-thing, when I heard a young, 20-something gal talking on her phone speeding towards me. I thought, "Perfect! You got this, Thome. Look like a birder!" I pulled up my bins and pretended to look in the distance. The young woman smiled as she trucked past me, breathlessly. As soon as she passed I dropped my bins and bent over again. In an instant, I realized, she'll probably be curious as to what I was looking at. Sure enough, as she rounded the bend, I saw her look in that direction. The only thing to see - a few snags (barren trees) and a couple of distant homes. I saw a look of confusion come over her face. I knew she was thinking, "What is that woman looking at?" I laughed. 

Some genius. I surely didn't come off as a birder but as a creepy woman with binoculars looking into people's homes. Then I laughed again because I didn't care. Turns out I'm more comfortable being the creepy woman who looks into people's homes than the out-of-shape woman who needs to exercise more.

Have a great weekend! Get outdoors.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Three Out of Five

Three Out of Five 

I was in love with Jonathon Michael Simpson (Michael to his friends and family.) I was in love two weeks after he first sauntered over to me and said hello. He was tall, 6’3”. So handsome - dark tan skin, blonde hair, perfectly sculpted, like Michelangelo sculpted, arms. He was from California. I was from Michigan and I thought a guy from Laguna Beach who went by his middle name was just about the most exotic creature to show up at the car dealership on Plainfield where I worked nights as a receptionist to put myself through college. His brother was a salesman. He was a construction worker. He’d stop to visit with his brother in one of the six small cubicles that lined the showroom floor. Eventually he’d stop to visit me. When he asked me out the first time, I believe I peed myself a little. 

Guys didn’t pick me. Oh sure, there was Roy with the chipped tooth who drove a Monster Truck and there was Chuck who sold used cars, but we were just sleeping together and I had to promise not to tell anyone about it. No, guys like him didn’t pick me. Men didn’t pick me. Michael picked me. And at age 21, he became my first real boyfriend. 

And by “real” I mean I did have a boyfriend once in the 7th grade, Kevin Averman, but only because the two most popular girls in school said he liked me and I should date him because, well in their words, “Teresa think about it, there’s really no one else who’s going to pick you to go out.” So I said yes, but only on the condition that we never had to sit next to each other on the bus and we didn’t have to talk to each other at school. You see Kevin was a pasty redhead. Hypocritical, I know (as I am a pasty redhead myself!) But earlier that year I had written in a notebook that someday I would marry a tall, dark-skinned, Italian, Catholic named Michael. I was that specific. Kevin certainly didn't fit the profile and even though my Michael was a blonde protestant, he still fit three of the five traits. It was a sign. 

Soon, Michael was my everything. I was a great girlfriend. We went to the big lake every weekend because he missed the Pacific Ocean. We watched movies at his moms in the basement where he lived because he couldn’t afford his own place. And we went to bars. Lots of bars. Mostly bars. Because Michael liked to drink. A lot. He was a tolerable drunk most nights and an angry drunk occasionally, but then he’d only punched walls and not me. He was a gallant drunk… I guess. 

One hot summer night, two years into the great romance, Michael was way too drunk to drive home. This was a problem because he had a manual transmission. So there, in the parking lot of some random bar in Grand Haven he taught me how to drive a stick. I managed to drive us home safely, grinding gears only half the way. He was surprisingly proud of my accomplishment. He wasn’t proud when I landed a 3.9 my junior year of college or when I got promoted to office manager at my second job. He was enormously proud, however, that I drove a stick and got us both home safe. He was so moved by the experience in fact, that there, in the driveway at 3:00 am, he grabbed my hand got down on both knees and asked me to marry him. I believe I peed a little. 

In fifteen seconds a hundred things ran thru my mind. First, he had told me once he left a guy for dead in California and I spent an inordinate amount of time watching “America’s Most Wanted” looking for him. Even though he never hit me, I was a little afraid to say no in this moment, but is that reason to say yes? I should say no. But I’ve told him I loved him. Why would you say no to someone you love? I should say yes. But if I said yes, then I’d have to tell the children I haven’t even had yet that their father drunk proposed. And who wants to tell that story the rest of their life? So no. But then again… he had 3 out of the 5 traits (tall, tanned, Michael.) So, I swallowed hard and I said, “Yes, I will marry you.” 

The sex that night! I mean the sex that follows a marriage proposal is fantastic, right? This. Was. Not. Fantastic. This was “ew” alcohol breath and okay yep, and we’re done. 

Morning came. He was hungover. I was quiet. I was a little excited to tell my mother I was getting married. But he didn’t say anything. I didn’t say anything. Then the day passed. And another. No mention of the proposal. No let’s go pick out a ring. No let’s find a date. Nothing. At first I was hurt. Then I was angry. By fall, I was relieved. Six months, countless Al Anon meetings and one police station visit to file a restraining order later, I left Jonathon Michael Simpson. 

Here’s the thing, I do appreciate the list my 7th grade self-made. Although she could have added a few more qualities like respectful, smart, funny, etc. She could have even added her own career and financial goals. But that’s okay. She was young. No. What she missed… What I missed is that this list should never have been about the kind of guy that would pick me, it should have been about the kind of guy I wanted to pick… The kind of guy that made me want to be a great girlfriend because he was a great boyfriend.

Eventually, I did figure it out. And I picked a great guy. We’re happily married. As it turns out, he’s a tall, dark-skinned, Italian, Ex-Catholic, named Fred. Four out of five. Not bad.